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2003 Step by Steps...

Painting phases for  2003 #10
"Schooner at Stormy Sea"
My newest & biggest piece, being completed at class. 
(36" x 24")
'original wallpaper border piece' (6" x 3 3/4")
session #1

Week #1- Blew up and drew the design to fit canvas size.  Traced design on canvas.  Began the base of the sky background. 
April 1, 2003.

session #2

Week #2- Added more sky color and added the green/blue water/sea.  It took lots of color/oil paint to cover this large canvas!

session #3 half way through...
Week #3- While adding more blue base to the sky, I blurred the sail outlines, then added some/lots of the water/sea color to the sky.  The top was half-way for the day and the bottom is where I stopped to allow the paint set for a bit.
session #3 at the end...

 Oooooppppps.... Forgot the camera!
week #4
Added more water color to the sky, darkening it a bit more and blurring the sails even more.  I also put a burnt sierra/green base on the ship, the masts and some sail boards.

session #5

Week #5- Added lighter burnt umber and burnt sierra mixtures to the shipmasts to put in shading perspectives.  Added some of the burnt umber to the boat for shading/lightening and roundness factors.  Used white mixed with the water colors to add in the clouds from great big to light and fluffy all over.  Placed the lifeboats and unfurled sails onto the canvas.
May 8, 2003.

session #6

Week #6- Retraced the sails and waves onto the canvas.  Then I began to insert the farthest back sails into place.  Accidently, I added on one of the front sails into place, see it poof? May 15, 2003.

session #7- Tuesday

Week #7- Tuesday Added ochre to the back sails with mixuture of cream for the textured look to the Sails.  Base coated the flag in the same cream mixture as the sails and added the smokestacks by mixing payne's grey, green, and burnt sienna together. 
May 27, 2003.

Session #7b

Wednesday- May 28, 2003

  • The front sails, with a touch of ochre/burnt sienna/ lots of white mixture, were laid in with a mixture of olive green/ sky blue-green mixtures for shadng and poofiness attractions. 
  • Additional sky, sky found under the back sails, and other touch-ups were added along with the beginning of the cannon portals on the ship base. 
session #8

week #8- on Tuesday,
June 3, 2003:
  • Continued/finished the rest of the top sails with the same colors as before... with a touch of ochre/burnt sienna/ lots of white mixture, and they were applied with a mixture of olive green/burnt umber & sky blue-green mixtures for shading and poofiness. 
  • Touchups to the sky and touchups to the straighten the steam columns were completed!
session #9
July 29, 2003.  Darkened the back lower sails, they lean farther forward past the masts, now.  Added the colors to the American flag.
View painting 2003_#10 now...


"Playing with Pink
Step #1...
free-hand drew the base, basted in the colors using alizerine, yellow, french blue and some mixed to cause the purple.  Tried to do the piece wet-on-wet.  Didn't quite happen though...
Step # 2-
Continued wet on wet and added more base colors.

 Step #3
Took it back to class once it was really, really dry.  Added some medium and lots of lighter pinks, white for hightlights and black for shadows.  Then I added some Alizerine (deep red that was used in the background) for the flower centers.  The yellowish/ green leaves were made with a mix of the yellow and black.


& Done
took three times looking at frames to finally pick the MOST expensive frame but the pink in this frame pulls out the pinks in the picture, best.

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moonlit Light house
This page was created on 5/09/03 at 11:36 &

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